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Un-Offendable Heart - Part 4

godly perspectives

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

It seems “normal” to be personally offended and turn inward when somebody is treating you poorly through what they say or do. Often times the mindset goes to, “what did I do to deserve that?” or “I’ll give them a taste of their own medicine.” etc.

It is “other worldly” to have an understanding in Christ that allows you to recognize that the person is struggling with something that is causing them to live for less than God originally made them. 

Instead of being hurt by them, what if we hurt with compassion for them?

When mankind was in its darkest hour, God never lost sight of who he created them to be. Instead, he saw they were lost and selfish and was willing to pay his life so that they could be free from sin and live selflessly like he created them to. 

When we understand this, it will change our hearts and empower us to hurt for people instead of because of them. 

Sometimes contrast is a great way to gain clarity.

Here’s an example:

Old mindset: What they did was wrong and it hurt me that they acted that way. I’m holding on to it because I don’t know what else to do… etc.

Renewed mindset: They would not have acted that way if they were living out God’s heart and Jesus’ perspective. I’m going to be praying that the Lord would work in their hearts to help them be all he made them to be and I’ll never hold it against them. Even though they were wrong I know that, “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is one’s glory to overlook an offense.” (Prov. 19:11) I learn from Jesus who said, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Lk 23:34)