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Un-Offendable Heart - Part 3

godly perspectives

We pray that God is stirring you up with his Spirit as you receive his love and truth over your life.

“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.”
2 Corinthians 5:16

Original Created Value: God’s original intention for mankind; his image and likeness.

There’s a powerful connection between the unoffendable heart and taking ownership of the truth that God originally created you good and in his image. That is also how he created everyone else.

You never pay more for something than what it’s worth. God paid the price of his Son’s life to redeem you back to who you were created to be. You are valuable and God thinks you living is worth him dying. Understanding this is how God feels for you will help immensely in seeing the value of others. 

These truths need to go to the depths of your being so that you don’t lose sight of them when you or others act outside of the original created value.

Do you believe that God created people to bear his image and Christ paid the price to make that a reality? If so, what is the benefit of taking anything personally and losing sight of someone’s true potential in God just because they are struggling and living for less? Should we not have compassion for them and let that be the moment we stand in prayer?

Does that way of thinking sound familiar? 

“Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’” (Lk. 23:24)

If someone lives for less than God created them, how does that give us permission to live for less than what God created us to be?

The unoffendable heart is not a product of what others do, but a product of what Christ has done.