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Un-Offendable Heart - Part 1

godly perspectives

In our previous blogs we shared about the importance of having a deep intimate relationship with God. How’s that going for you?

Living in intimacy with Christ is vital for understanding and walking out the unoffendable heart. Remember, no branch bears fruit on its own. You cannot live like Jesus without abiding in Jesus.

When we say unoffendable heart, we do not mean a heart that thinks sin is no longer offensive, we mean a heart that is set on truth and filled with deep compassion that does not turn selfish no matter what others are doing or not doing.

We want to share 3 pieces the Lord has put together in us to shape the understanding behind having an unoffendable heart. Over the next 3 blogs we’ll write about:

  1. Jesus’ perspective in laying down his life.
  2. Understanding God’s original value and design.
  3. Having a compassionate heart that cares for others who do not understand.

We encourage you to pray into these 3 points for yourself!