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Kneel Before The Father

apostolic prayers

…I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. Ephesians 3:14-15

This simple start to another apostolic prayer contains rich insight. There are many things in this world that try and rise up to take the place of God, yet  Scripture is clear that we are to worship the Lord and serve him alone. Paul’s kneeling before the Father shows that he truly honors God above all others. 

In Western culture, it’s not very common to kneel before anyone, yet one can kneel before another in their heart without physically bending their knee. When one allows anything to be their satisfaction, fulfillment and identity, other than God, in a way they are kneeling before those things with their heart. 

It’s easy for people to unintentionally let their family be more important than God, but ultimately believers are not called to worship their families, but to worship God who is the source of every family. We all need to continually remind ourselves that every good gift comes down from God and every family is named from the Father. He alone is worthy of total worship and devotion.  

Today, check your heart to make sure you are not kneeling before anyone or anything else other than God. If God reveals that you have been, sincerely change your mind and bow your knee before the Father. 

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me…” Matthew 10:37