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Intentional Living - Part 2

godly perspectives

He has appeared once for all to remove sin by the sacrifice of himself.
Hebrews 9:26

If you’re doing anything to earn your own right standing with God, or be good enough, you will get caught in striving. Striving in your own strength will result in more effort, yet never produce the deep freedom you seek.

If you’re serious about not “going through the motions”, what we’re going to share needs to   be settled in your heart. It’s simple and possibly familiar, but read it with fresh eyes and receive it like it’s the very first time!

Here it is… Live in true forgiveness. 

Receive it from the Lord, accept it for yourself and from that place of understanding what he’s given you, dispense it to those who wrong you. 

You’re called to view yourself as a forgiven son/daughter and to fellowship with God and others from a place of being forgiven, not someone who is focused on all the short comings you have. 

Have you noticed the focus in many fellowships is not on being forgiven, but on being people who struggle and often fall down? 

What does that tell you about where the majority of people’s perspectives are coming from?

If you focus on your short comings, instead of focusing on fully embracing forgiveness, how can you spread with conviction the message you are not walking in? 

If we let our guard down in these areas, they can become footholds that can be the root of “going through the motions”.

If this strikes a cord with you, be intentional about dwelling on the truth; your sins have been removed through the finished work of Christ. Let everything you do flow from that place so that you are never “going through the motions.”