Equipping Believers
...To live in intimacy with God, identity in Christ,
and practical discipleship.

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David & Cindy
We are especially blessed to call Jesse and Iam friends and have served directly with them domestically and Internationally. We are witnesses of how the Lord works in and through their lives encouraging the global Church. Their ministry of music brings you into the throne room of God and their teaching is anointed. Many broken people who have come under their teaching have left refreshed and renewed in their identity in Christ and His calling on their lives. We give our full confidence and recommendation to connect with Jesse and Iam’s ministry for solid biblical teaching and encouragement for
kingdom living.
- Co-Founders, Spirit of Martyrdom International

Spencer & Madison Lemer
It would be difficult to speak too highly of Jesse and Iam. The integrity of their lives and depth of their ministry in Christ is proving to be powerful and true. We first observed the fruit of Jesse’s faithful pursuit of God in 2012, and it is evident this pursuit remains unwavering for them as a couple.
They have blessed our community immensely since 2019. The authority they carry and knowledge they impart concerning identity in Christ has brought freedom to so many of our Discipleship Training School students, as well as our staff members.
(Read full testimonial...)
Directors, YWAM Honolulu

Randy & Alice Sutter
Jesse and Iam are dear friends and fellow lovers of Jesus. As they led worship in our local church for 5 years, we saw them lead people into places of tender and intimate communion with the Lord.
We watched them court and grow in their love for one another. Purity, honesty, integrity and selfless openness are the words I would use to describe their marriage.
My wife and I met with them regularly and saw them grow and mature in their places of leadership.
Jesse and Iam have a passionate and contagious love for the Lord and His Word. (Read full testimonial...)
Pastors, Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Cottonwood

Pastor B
I have known Jesse and Iam for many years now. I've had the privilege to minister with them in America, Asia and Africa. I have watched this wonderful couple and it doesn’t take but a few minutes with them to see the love of the Heavenly Father reflecting in their actions. Talking with them only a few seconds, you will be drawn in to the depth of the heart of God because of the insight of their thoughts.
When they worship our Lord, what an outstanding moment in the presence of the creator of the universe.
John 13:35 is a perfect description of this couple.
Africa Church Planting Movement Leader

Pastor S
It is with great pleasure that we endorse Jesse and Iam to the body of Christ. We feel greatly honored to call them our precious brother and sister. They truly carry the light and the life of Jesus. Both have demonstrated a tender conscience towards the Lord and a burden for the lost world, also they have taken several mission trips globally and specially visited us several times to share their hearts in our leadership conferences and encourage the students in the graduation meetings to stand firm for Christ.
(Read full testimonial...)
International Church Planting Leader
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